November 29, 2010

Chilly Nights

Late evenings and nights are getting way too chilly for me to handle. As far as I can remember I have never experienced any temperature below 18, I think. Presently its 11degrees here in Dehradun and I am refusing to even step out of the room. After much thought I have finally decided that I will quit gym till temperatures go back to a level I can think of working out. Gym and then walk back to my hostel from University, that takes a lot of preparation. I cant prepare my mind nor body for it. Now I'll go back to eating whatever I want and at whatever time I want, I cant care anymore. Dream of Abs have been postponed to a much later date :)

With just 20 days left for the exam, I am tensed. Unlike times during Btech I knew there will be Mayank to teach me last minute. Here I have to save myself, I am sure I dont have any other choice. Got a shit load of assignments and tests lined up in the coming days and because of the damn cold I am getting lazier by the day. Shifting permanently to the bed under the blanket with the laptop would be a wise thought. Its time to open the Ebooks I've downloaded.

Thinking of having a shower in the morning itself takes so much preparation especially if the hot water runs out. Damn, I miss Blore more than ever.