July 14, 2010


The redesign aspect now in blogger is fascinating! I finally settled down to how it looks now with the whole world being seen in the backdrop of the posts. I still havent learnt anything new to do on the template, I am yet to put up those blog mate links in the sidebar.Guess that will take some more time.When my posts come in so seldom, things like sidelinks will take a really long time.

I just got back from kerala yesterday, things were not that boring this time.Thanks to my cousin and the fact that I made it a point to carry my laptop.12 days went by pretty smooth.There are things that still cant be avoided when you go to kerala like the house visits,temple visits,irritating heat and sometimes even the rainfall throughout the day.I am glad that phase is over and I dont have to look into that side for maybe more than a year.Its like the gulf for me, I dont mind going there for a very short period but long stretch of holidays is complete NO.

On the other hand I am just getting things done prior to my trip to Doon.Uniform rules came as a surprise but guess that is something I can deal with.As far as I find some good friends and the course not too hectic, all should go well.I was just hoping that I have a digicam before I get there but soon I realised I am not getting one.Then I saw this loophole that instead of buying a new one I can take the family cam.For my bad luck we lost that in kerala and never managed to find it again.So all dreams shattered, neither the Canon nor the Cybershot.What am I going to do with a 3.2 mp phone cam in a place with so much scenic beauty?! Damnitt! My Canon..Sigh!

That means there wont be any photos taken while I am there. I just hate using the phone cam so I'll just have to learn to do without one.

I'll get going for now.
Next post soon...:P