So here I am typing out the first post after I turned 22 ( Feb 24th ). Thanks to all those who wished and were there for the cake cutting at sharp 12.Actually I have never cut a cake at 12 o clock.First year in hostel I was too worried bout the seniors kicking my butt black and blue so I managed to escape that scene with some excuse or I guess I went back to my granny's.So this was something very special indeed for me to remember as the only birthday I have cut cake at 12.I so sound like an Oldie now.
Once again I'v had a hectic week though the project hasnt started full fledged as yet,I can feel the work load kicking in.
I have more to say but right now I have to get back to the Damn project, I will come back over the weekend for sure.
Till then,
February 28, 2010
February 18, 2010
When the Tigers broke free..
As promised in the previous post I am back, maybe it took time to return though.My net had issues opening blogger and gmail over the past couple of days so I kept delaying my post even.
I remember this song by Pink Floyd, ' When the tigers broke free '.
Aircell's initiative of working on the tiger awareness is really great.I am hoping something can be done as its already high time.We just have 1411 tigers left.In a hope to see more of them in the years to come, I will proceed with my post for the day...
So lets see, I guess the Shiv Sena / Srk controversy has taken a back seat, now that he realised he cant do shit.I still dont understand why people cant take/keep things simple and straight.He wanted Pakistani players to play in the forthcoming IPL.Now whats wrong in that.They are just players, they are not the Al-Qaeda( If thats the right spelling ) If they have so much anger in them about Pakistan and its people why react against someone in India who just had an opinion related to a game enjoyed by a global audience?! Such brainless people in the country, they just take things in the wrong sense,blow it out of proportion and end of the whole fiasco no gain at all.Upset a lot of people for their show of stupidity.I dont give a shit to these people, I'll watch the movie whatever happens.
Another bunch of jackasses in Bangalore wanted to spoil Valentines day.They feel its not part of our culture and stuff like that.They want only married people sitting together as a couple and they warned everyone around that they would get two individuals married if found hanging around outside in the city.Even after being beaten black and blue by the youth congress, Muthalik still stood by his word.Then again he couldn do shit around.
Bangalore maybe one of the hottest cities in India soon, the weather now is unbearable.I wonder how its going to be in April.There is absolutely no point taking bath and using the perfume.In maybe an hour or so,its all back to sweat and feeling yuck overall.
Yes, I was finally making a list of things I want to have/places to visit/etc. I am done with it yet but I'll give a start to it with this post.Probably have an extension to it in the future posts.FYI Points mentioned below may not necessarily be part of this year's list( I dont have that kinda list ).Its just an overall thing.

He is going to be my most valued possession in the future.
2.Canon EOS 1000D

I've been dying to own this from a long time,its just taking too long.I must try my hand at lotteries soon.
3.New Zealand

Dont ask me why I have such a fascination for this place.If I get a chance to go there I am taking it with no second thoughts.
4. Doberman

I totally love this breed and in remembrance of my previous doberman, Spike.
5.Corbett National Park

This is one place I want to go soon, am hoping its going to be one of the first trips I make once I start working.Shit, I need to get the Canon before I make this trip.
For now I will give a stop to my list,will continue soon when I have the time to sit like this.
Oh yes,my resolution for this year and maybe for a couple of years down the lane.I speak too much and the way I say things,unintentionally might not sound acceptable.I'll go back to keeping a part of my thoughts to myself.
I am complicated,I am weird and I'd like to keep a few things to myself from now on.
Until the next post :)
February 9, 2010
In a hope..
So here I am after a really long break.I had planned to do a lot of things during my semester break and I havent done any.I eventually dropped out the plan of making my list of new year resolutions/things I want/to do in the coming year.I didnt find the time to even finish a 200 page novel I have been holding on to for months now.Thats how preoccupied I am but if you ask me to list out things that keep me busy throughout the day,its the usual engineering student life and a little bit more of say a tv series(Friends/Big Bang).
Whats wrong with me?! I have absolutely no time for myself,to have a relaxed day with no where to run to/things to do/college,etc.I actually had a pretty relaxed time in Muscat and then when I had that period of time off I totally forgot that I have to make my list/blog/finish my novel.BLAH! I was just lazying around looking at the two new parrots at home,gold fishes in the aquarium,playing chess with my 13 year old brother.I am glad I taught him how to play and now he is extremely good for a 13 year old.Was surprised see him play a few games with me,the way he took things so quickly out of my hands.
Proud of him,atleast I can still play my favourite indoor game years down the lane at home with him.
Oh yes,I started with this post to mention about Shahrukh khan coming to Bangalore for a global quiz organised by IIPM.I didnt care bout the quiz but yes my long time wish of seeing him live came true last evening at the Koramangala indoor stadium.A day I'll never forget - 8th February.Now that this has happened once,I am in a hope it will happen once more in the years to come.
I am hoping to post more often,I am hoping to read more.In a way they could be related.
PS: Option of uploading pictures side by side not working on blogger.Something really wrong,actually even my phone/net acting a little cranky today.
So for the time being,this is all I got to say.
I'll get back soon.
Whats wrong with me?! I have absolutely no time for myself,to have a relaxed day with no where to run to/things to do/college,etc.I actually had a pretty relaxed time in Muscat and then when I had that period of time off I totally forgot that I have to make my list/blog/finish my novel.BLAH! I was just lazying around looking at the two new parrots at home,gold fishes in the aquarium,playing chess with my 13 year old brother.I am glad I taught him how to play and now he is extremely good for a 13 year old.Was surprised see him play a few games with me,the way he took things so quickly out of my hands.
Proud of him,atleast I can still play my favourite indoor game years down the lane at home with him.
Oh yes,I started with this post to mention about Shahrukh khan coming to Bangalore for a global quiz organised by IIPM.I didnt care bout the quiz but yes my long time wish of seeing him live came true last evening at the Koramangala indoor stadium.A day I'll never forget - 8th February.Now that this has happened once,I am in a hope it will happen once more in the years to come.
I am hoping to post more often,I am hoping to read more.In a way they could be related.
PS: Option of uploading pictures side by side not working on blogger.Something really wrong,actually even my phone/net acting a little cranky today.
So for the time being,this is all I got to say.
I'll get back soon.
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